How to Prepare for Financial Crisis | 6 Tips to Start Now
During a financial crisis, you may experience several things. You may lose your job or have to take on a second job, you may have to put off saving for retirement and other long-term goals, and you might even have trouble paying your bills. However, there are some steps you can take now that will help keep your finances in good shape during a crisis.
Maintain your savings
When you look at the big picture, your savings are one of the best ways to prepare for a financial crisis. You should always be saving money so that you can handle emergencies and unexpected expenses without going into debt. Moreover, if you are a stay-at-home parent, there are plenty of online jobs for stay at home moms and dads to earn extra income. If you make money and have savings in place, it will be easier to weather a financial storm.
You may want to think about setting aside money specifically for retirement and/or education costs (for yourself or others). You may also want to consider setting aside some funds just as a buffer against any unexpected expenses that may come up in your life.
Update your emergency fund
You should have enough money in your emergency fund to cover at least three months of expenses, including grocery shopping and utilities. This includes any debts you may have. If you’re worried about keeping this money safe from harm, consider investing it in a CD or savings account with an FDIC insurance guarantee.
When deciding what to include in your emergency fund, think about the consequences of not having that amount of money available: how long could you survive financially? What would happen if something happened to your job? The answers will help guide how much money should be kept in reserve.
A good rule of thumb is to keep some cash on hand just in case something unexpected happens while shopping (or while doing anything else).
Prioritize debt repayment
If you have multiple debts, prioritize your repayment plan by paying off the debt with the highest interest rate first. Then move on to the second-highest rate, and so on. Paying off high-interest debt is important because it saves you money in the long run if you’re able to save thousands of dollars per year by skipping payments or making only minimum payments.
If your finances are in order and you’re able to pay off more than one type of debt at once, then go ahead and start with the lowest balance. This way, you get a quick win—the satisfaction that comes from seeing a bill disappear—while still working toward lowering your overall rate of interest paid out over time (which is what really matters).
Save for retirement
Saving for retirement is the most important thing you can do. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than four in 10 workers have no retirement savings at all. The median amount of retirement savings for those who do have a plan is just $72,000—not nearly enough to support yourself after you stop working full-time.
The good news is that saving for retirement doesn’t have to be difficult or overwhelming; it just takes some discipline and smart decisions about what you save and how you invest your money over time. As long as you start early (and continue saving consistently), your nest egg should grow into something substantial by the time its creator retires from work forever and ever amen.
Monitor your investments closely
Your investments should be monitored closely to ensure that your portfolio is properly diversified and aligned with your goals. You also want to make sure that you are paying the lowest possible price for the services of your financial adviser or broker while keeping in mind any tax implications of selling one investment versus another.
If you have a complicated portfolio or if you’re not sure where all of your money is invested, it may be advisable to seek out professional advice from an experienced financial planner before making major changes.
Work with a financial advisor or planner
It is important to work with a financial advisor or planner. A financial advisor can help you create a plan to deal with all of your financial needs, including retirement, insurance and estate planning. The right advisor can also help you set goals and establish a budget that will enable you to make the most of your money.
In order to prepare for a financial crisis, it is important to keep a steady financial pattern by saving at least 10% of your income. You can also consider starting with debt management plans and small budgeting tips before looking into other options such as short-term loans or payday loans.
Article by Emily Lamp
Emily Lamp is a freelance writer, working closely with many aspiring thinkers and entrepreneurs from various companies. She is also interested in self-improvement, entrepreneurship and technology. Say hi to Emily on Twitter @EmilyLamp2