How to Bet on Cricket – Your Ultimate Guide
Have you ever speculated on how to bet on cricket? Well, doing if you have experience on betting on other kinds of sports like horse racing and motor sports, then you have probably taken into account the tedious work involved with these other kinds. Researching, data gathering together with a complete and thorough analyzing of each racer and comparing each racer with each other is quite the hard task. If you do not find this kind of work like tasks fun and enjoyable, then you should try betting on cricket. Unlike other sports, it is much easier to bet on cricket because of a few differences.
Cricket, like other sports, has its own specific rules and Cricket Betting Tips that must be followed. As such, it is important to know these rules by heart. A basic mastery coupled with advanced study of this rules is very much recommended in order to fully utilize these rules in making your bet. It is important to stress that in cricket, you can make “draw” bets. The reason for this is that cricket games can go for as long as one day to up to three days, There are even some cricket games that go on for as long as five days. As such, draw bets became distinctively popular in this kind of sport. Many online cricket betting enthusiasts and fanatics have double their money by making draw bets.
Another key factor to take note of in online cricket bets is that you can make bets based on the “series scores”. International cricket teams will eventually play with each other in test matches. These test matches can go on for as long as three to five test matches. In international day matches, it can even go as long as a week. Making a bet based on this series scores is simply placing your bet on how many expected wins you are waiting for with regard to the team that you have put your bet on. If you have great analytical skills then you could put these skills into good use here. You can rate each team on there best and worst capabilities and then make a prediction with a higher chance of success. Then use this prediction in making your bet in order to earn that money that you so desire for.
You can even bet on the top batsman in this cricket sport. Making this kind of bet is simply placing your money on who you think will be the top scorer for the game. You can place your bet accurately by using historical records as basis. Research on each team’s top scorer or ace and then rate each one of them. Based on this comparison, you should be able to come up with a result that has a high probability of winning you that cash that you yearn for.
Last but not the least, you can even bet on the total number of runs that each team can make during a game. You can either bet on “odd” or “even”. If the total runs of a team come up with an odd number, then you win if you have put your bet on the “odd” and if the total is an even number, then you win that money if you have put your bet on the “even” tag. Betting on cricket is much easier than betting on other kinds of sport. As such, why not try your luck in online cricket betting?