Cracking The Gut Health Code


In the modern-day lifestyle, gut care has become a necessity for everyone. Several gut health problems have become increasingly common, from stomach aches to gas, cramps, bloating, and diarrhoea. It is high time to understand the gut better and invest in gut health supplements for a healthier lifestyle. Several trillion bacteria in the human body are known as microbiomes, most of which are present in the gut.

Symptoms of an unhealthy gut:

  • Constant Weight Change
  • Upset Stomach
  • Food Intolerance 
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Change in Stool colour
  • Skin Irritation
  • Bloating
  • Constipation

Symptoms mostly vary from person to person, but these are some of the common symptoms that can be observed to understand an upset gut. For example, people who spend most of their time sitting on a chair in their offices often complain about gastric problems and excessive weight gain.

Here’s a list of things to crack the gut health code:

  1. Regular Exercise:

Physical exercise plays a vital role in your gut health. Researchers have recently discovered that exercising alone can alter gut bacteria without being dependent on the diet. A long workout session with a balanced cardio session and high-intensity aerobics training is vital for better bowel movements and the diversification of gut bacteria. A lean body is likely to have a much healthier gut compared to overweight people. Obesity can lead to several gut problems, and exercising helps regulate gut health.

  1. Introduce Gut Health Supplements into the diet:

Probiotics are microorganisms that help the human body to develop gut health. Fermented food and gut health supplements provide healthy bacteria to the body and balance the body’s digestive system. Maintaining a strict diet on day-to-day basics is difficult. Still, a good probiotic supplement can help regulate gut health once it starts deteriorating.

  1. Eat Fibre-rich Meals:

Fibre-rich diet is a heavily plant-based diet which consists of sweet potatoes, carrots, beans, fennel, broccoli, and more. Whole grains also have an excellent supply of fibre. It helps in strengthening metabolism and stimulates good bacteria. A fibre-based diet can help in weight loss, improve constipation and lowers blood sugar levels. Introducing fibre ingredients into the diet is relatively simple. Several fruits are also high in fibre, like apples, strawberries, pears, avocados and many more.

  1. Add Fermented Food To The Diet:

Fermentation is a vintage method of preserving food. It is a process where bacteria and yeast break down glucose. Fermented foods enhance the diversity of gut microbes in the stomach and reduce the bloating of the body. In addition, adding fermented food helps in increasing the probiotic intake naturally. Food like yoghurt, kimchi, kefir, and miso are loaded with probiotics and can help everyone take care of their gut.

  1. Cut down on processed food and added sugar:

Studies have proven that excess sugar in diets can increase the risk of inflammation inside the body. Overuse of sugar can lead to obesity and heart diseases. Sugar is easy to over-consume as it is present in bakery items, soda, chocolates and other processed food items.

Replacing sugary items from your diet can help in repairing overall gut health. For example,  add more salads, fruits, and natural sweeteners into the diet. Avoid sugar drinks, add green tea or increase the intake of water in the diet. Water helps keep the body hydrated and breaks down food to absorb nutrients.

Final Takeaway:

The gut plays a vital role in well being of the human body. It is essential to have a moderate balance of good bacteria and immune cells to strengthen the digestive system. Healing the gut takes time and dedication. However, a few lifestyle changes, such as adding gut health supplements to the diet and regular exercise, can help everyone lead a healthier and happier life.